Thursday, January 10, 2008

New year, new sluts and new tasks..

Gee, I haven't had the time to get online so often, actually studying for a couple of IT certifications. Anyways, I took a gander over to one of my favourite sites .. the site has improved in the new year .. nice.

So welcome to all new sluts who've visited me, and welcome back to all old sluts who can't get enough.. LOL!
I have some new pictures, and I'm thinking of uploading a video or two ..
or send personalized videos to old sluts ..
anyway, that'll all be done in time..

Once again, y'all know how to get at me - read the FAQs ---> over there..
c'mon bitches KNEEL!!! otherwise, get the fuck off my page..

Below u'll find an intro by a new slut from CM ..
enjoy boys ..

~Princess Jaaye

dear Princess,

i read your blogs, they are wonderful, and wanted to share something with You, if i may. i feel such a looser. Maybe i am just such a looser. Fact is, when i feel a looser, and lost, i enjoy it, and seek more. i don't know if this is the true essence of a good slave, but it must mean something. most people would try to pull themselves together when they feel losers. Myself? no, not at all. i enjoy it, and dream about going home and finding a though mistress waiting for me, to double down, humiliate me, and showe me the real looser i am. i have to admit, for a split second i try to pull myself together, but then i just cannot. i cannot cope with the dream of a super women pulling me down to where i belong. it is so much stronger than my weak will. if i had a dominant women living next door, my life would have been completely different. when i feel a looser, nothing counts besides the joy of feeling humiliated, and the need of more such feeling. i am definitely not a looser by everybody standard, and people think i am a winner in everyday's life. if they just knew my true deep secret feelings. but i am such a looser, i cannot even find a dominant woman! or maybe i am too scared to face the truth. today, i would not be, and if you were passing by, i would humbly show up, hat in hand seeking for some humiliation. i hope you are having great time,

humble regards lugiod