Saturday, December 29, 2007
Seasons Greetings!!
A lot of new slaves, cash pigs and atms have contacted me.. and you know the Princess is quite picky, so I'll screen them to get the best .. I have two sluts auditioning to be my pimps .. one from Florida and another from upstate NY .. lets see how well they perform!
Again, thanks to my fave slave Louis .. don't worry, your secret is safe with me .. and he's getting me the key to his apt, LOL! hopefuly anyways, so i can get naughty with him or other sluts when I get back.
This is gonna be a short entry, cuz I'm quite tired right now ..
So y'all know the drill, if u wanna contact me.. u know how to..
~ Princess Jaaye
Monday, December 24, 2007
A tale well told .. pt 1
A couple of slaves from my lair decided to share with me their fantasies and experiences, all thanks to the Fart Party from slave Louis..
I don't mind .. they're fun to read and gives me training session ideas ..
~ Princess Jaaye
*chocolate kissez*
Here is Rick from Alaska ..
'Dick Nextdoor'
and Steve from Michigan ..I'm sitting here at my computer, in a pair of girlly pink shorts, and a red nighty. I have a medium plug in my hole to make it feel full and open it for anything that might happen today. I was asked to send an email explaining to everyone how I became so twisted and worthless.My little white cock is semi hard, as it has been all morning. I guess it started when I was 8. My mom and dad went out of town for a week, and they took my little sis with them, but I had to go to school, so they had me stay at a friend/neighbords house for the week. It was friday night and I was asleep in my sleeping bag on a cot, in tonies room. He was the neibors 16 yo son. I woke up when tony turned on his lamp by his bed, i don't think he knew he woke me, but he had a dirty magazine and was looking at it. I was curious as to what he was doing and looking at, so i slowly crawled over to the side of his bed, and was shocked at the pictures of naked men and women. I had never seen a woman naked, or a man naked with an erection. I had seen my dad and others naked at the shwer room at the pool, and I had seen my little sis in the bathtub.I was excited, it was the first time I ever remember getting a bonner. and i didn't quite know whatto think, but it felt good. I noteced that tony had his hand under the covers and he seemed to be rubbing his bonner, I could tell cause there was a pup tent in his blanket. he knew i was there, but kept doing it. I was almost as curious about what he was doing as the pictures of naked girls.... He finally pushed the covers down , and i could see his whole cock. It was huge, or so it seeemed, I had never seen a mans erection, and it was big and dark. I think tony was part italian because he had a tan darked than me, and black hair. His cock was even darked than his arms or his hands. I was facinated. he caught me stareing at his penis, and he wispered to me to get closer and look at it. I moved down by his cock, and watched, I felt mine and it was just as hard as his, only mine was tiny. I was on my knees beside his bedabout in the middle were he was jacking off.... he taught me that word, and showed me how to do it. I could see pre cum leeking out of his peehole, he told me to lick it, but I was scared. He said he would tell my mom and dad, that I was looking at dirty pictures and rubbing my tiny dick. I was really scared, but i stuck out my tounge, and licked it. it didn't taste bad, the precum was just slipery. he said lick it moreSo I kept licking, he told me to suck the top of it. I didn't want to, but he again threatend me with telling. so i opened my mouth and sucked on the end a little bit. he seemed to like that but i stopped and he grabbed the back of my neck and told me to do it more. I was almost sobbing by then, but I opened my mouth and let hime push my head down onto his big cock. he pushed my head up and down on his cock, I had a mouth full of him and was sobbing, and gaging, but he was not stopping and after a few more strockes into my tiny mouth and tight throqat he started to squrt. I started to gag but he held me there and squirted down my throat.... he squirted alot or cum, and I swallowed most of it, but he held me there, and had me lick it up.... My little bonner was rock hard and there was a wet spot on his blaket beside is bed, I had squirted an 8 year old nut just by rubbing on his blaket as he fucked my mouth. If you want to hear anymotre Maam just tell me. I would go to his house about 3 times a week after school, and he did do more dirty things, witch I looked forward too and enjoyed....
'First High'
the first time i was in there i was with clients so i was drinking coffee. The waitress asked me how i like my coffee and i said " Like my Women, strong, hot and black." i know, but i am usually the funny guy. Anyways about 15 minutes later this beautiful Goddess came up to the table, grabbed me by the ear and took me to the vip room. She gouged Her boot into my tiny package, made me suck Her heels and give up my seat as i massaged Her feet. 3 songs and $75 later i handed Her the money from my wallet and She grabbed my wallet and took my business card. The next day She called and said i had to be at Her house in 3 hours to drive Her around for the day.and in 'Club Nites'
i took Her to the salon, grocery shopping and then to the mall where i was told to come in with Her. we went to Victoria Secrets and She picked me out some outfits, i paid and we went back to Her condo. i am still hard. i got out and opened the door for Her and grabbed Her bags, brought them up to Her condo and thanked Her for the afternoon. Not so fast She said. Get your clothes off and try this shit on. i did, rubbed Her feet, gave Her a massage, cooked Her dinner and cleaned Her condo. When i was done She said i deserved a reward, i was handcuffed and She slid Her dildo into my mouth before penetrating my virgin ass with it. i came quickly on the floor and had to eat it up. She never did send me the pictures though. i served Her almost 20 times then she moved to chicago.
Near the end of serving Master Tammy i was told to come into the club it is called the Flight Club. It was a slow day so i went in and Master Tammy as She demanded i call Her told me that She wanted me to go on stage and tip Her because all of the guys in the club were just sitting around drinking. i did as instructed. Master Tammy kneeled down over me with a knee next to each ear and said, I have a surprise for you today steffanie. As i lay on the stage with my legs dangling off the side i feel a hand reach onto my belt and i am pulled off the stage. i then follow this little firecracker to the vip room and She sits down, looks at me and says you know the routine. i kneel down and remove Her shoes and start rubbing Her feet.
She says hand over the cash and your business card as i am taking over Your training from Master Tammy. my first task for Mistress Jamie was to be at Her house on a saturday afternoon to help Her prepare for a party. Apparently Master Tammy had handed off all of my clothes and pictures to Mistress Jamie so there wouldn't be a problem with the switch over. i cooked, i cleaned, i ran errands. i went to pick up some of Her friends for this girls night out. i drove them to the club, waited outside for the phone call and then drover everyone back to Mistress Jamies house. i had to go in and change into my dress, heels, wig and Mistress Jamie put on my slutty drunken whore makeup. That night i rubbed feet, sucked toes, licked ass and pussy, i was spanked, slapped, humiliated.
Steven Duglas: i drank the golden nectar from at least 3 ladies and took a strap on from a few of them. It was the best night ever.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Player's Ball ..
First up is David .. from Alaska.. I think the cold weather gets to his head quite often. He is quite an interesting fellow.. had his dog lick his ass and make him cum .. man, I'm such a crazy person!! Its not something I get into, but hey .. whatever makes the slut happy and make him keep spoiling me, I'm game..
Here's David and his dog.. I forgot to ask her name, but she's sure got a crappy job.. no pun intended!
He's a bit far from me .. well, a lot far, but he's a riot to talk to.. I guess the cold does give one naughty ideas .. LOL! Let's see how good he is during his sessions now ..
He's gone Christmas shopping with his kids .. so I guess I do have a lot more in store..
Then there's my old time slut.. jeff, who loves to call his wife a cracker whore. Tho I have to reserve comment on her cuz I don't know her, its kinda crazy thats she's with him, if he treats her like that behind her back, I don't even want to know how face to face is. He says he bought me a green dot card some weeks aback, until now I can't get the card. He gave me the numbers but what good will that do? ah well .. here he is .. jerking off to my cam .. silly fucker!
He sure has a tiny dick! Now this asshole is begging to take me shopping online cuz his card won't work online .. yea, rite..
Anyways, a few more slaves have come by to visit, say hi ..
I'm not too fond of dom men. Quite a few from collarme have contacted me about starting 'something'. Now I don't see the logic here. You want a submissive man. I'm a dominant woman. You want a slave, I want a slave. So how in the fucking hell are we going to have a relationship? I AM, NOT NOW, NEVER HAVE, AND NEVER WILL BE INTERESTED IN BEING A SLAVE. So all dom men, switches and dom women interested in 'switching' with this bitch, keep walking, I ain't up for it.
I'm tired of getting numerous emails, you'd make a good wife, i'd love to cum all over ur tits, i'd like to see u bow to me, i'd like u see u tied up and getting a good fucking .. all thats ever gonna do is piss me off and get you deleted .. if I want a man, I can find a damn good one, one willing to put up with my bullshit and who will treat me A MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN ANY OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS CAN.
So do me a favour.. pass me by.
Thanks for stopping by..
Don't forget to leave your comment.
And feel free to tribute it
~ Princess Jaaye
*chocolate kissez*
Wanna chat?

So after a lot of messing around online .. I decided to give my slaves an extra perk. Once you're a tributing slave, you have my phone number and access to weekly pictures of me so u can worship!
To get these features, simply mention it in your next tribute payment.. and my pics won't be the only thing you'll be worshipping!
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Fart Party
The good slut paid his tribute, and added to it..
Enjoy his words.. his dream The Fart Party
I had a most amazing dream about my Goddess just the other day. It was by far so humiliating but for me, it was close to heavenly. There i was, on my knees in front of Goddess Jaaye giving her a foot rub. As i'm rubbing the world's most perfect feet, i hear a knock on the door. I was ordered to go answer it which i did. Standing at the door was 7 of Goddess Jaaye's friends, all big, beautiful, black Goddesses. It was a surprise for me. All the Goddesses just had mexican food and it was time for a fart party. The party had a bit of a twist. I was to go to each Goddess and beg as if my life depended on it to have them fart in my face. If i received this honor, i was to pay the Goddess doing the farting $5 and Goddess Jaaye $10 for allowing me to sniff the fart. Lets just say in all, i spent about $600. At the end of the party, my face smelled like beautiful female gas. Because i had done so well, Goddess Jaaye allowed me to take her shopping the next day and sniff her farts for free the rest of the night. I loved this dream. It was so amazing that i've been thinking about it about 10 times a day. My lord, Goddess Jaaye is amazing.
~ Princess Jaaye
*chocolate kissez*
Bittersweet memories..
I'm sorry if I'm not all as bitchy or harsh.. not feeling quite jovial..
My uncle passed away a few days ago.. so its a solemn mood at home here in Florida..
Us Jamaicans tho, we don't cry or suffer in misery, we celebrate and say our goodbyes, after all, soon we shall see them again.
It kinda sucks tho, cuz it happened just before Christmas.. so my memories are gonna be a little tarnished, but nonetheless, my slave, idiot loser from italy.. has made it his duty to make me smile..
He's a very faithful and dedicated slave .. loves to drool over my pics, and its very easy to drain him.. although he's broke this season, and in a bit of a financial lull.. he's seen fit to present his mistress with $110 .. what he could spare.. now, i told y'all I'm not that much of a cruel person.. and if you keep spoiling me, and treating me right, then good things are in store for you..
Another new inductee, I call him pleaure bill.. from NJ, he offered to buy me my new dildo .. even sent me the money to $75. Unfortunately, when I went to get my dildo from the store, they were out of my choice (bummer!) so I can either wait to get the one i wanted, or get another.. I posted it in a poll to the side, so u guys can choose the one u think I should get; I'm thinking of taking some pictures of me enjoying that dildo, and you guys can order them when I do.
My condolences to my 'fave slave' Louis who lost a friend recently.. the good ones are never forgotten, tho that doesn't mean u should forget to tribute ;-) .. and to Ankit who has three finals today, playa, I like my sluts smart .. they make me more money!! [Cruel and shallow, I've been called worse, don't really care.]
I had another guy 'Charles' contact me, maybe I could dominate him, abuse his wallet, but after talkin to me he decided he'd rather be my friend .. and cut out the wallet abuse part .. is that fair? shouldn't he still have to spoil this princess too?
I have two other slaves who are willing to be my 'pimped sluts' .. LOL!
can u believe that?
not that I mind really, the idea is quite erotic.. slaves who i send out to get naughty and then pay me what they've earned..
I guess being a princess isn't so bad after all..
Well bitches .. 8 days til Christmas .. I know what I want, even tho I've been a naughty girl.. and Santa prolly won't spoil me.. but I know you guys will..
God rest your soul Uncle Mac .. I know u in a better place, with more sand, sea and lots of Jamaican blue mountain coffee.. Much love ennuh!
~ Princess Jaaye
*chocolate kissez*
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Kissez Awards..
and I'm thinking that all my slaves who have been 'naughtily nice' will get the Kissez Awards..
I'll put up some polls, and we'll decide who's the lucky ones ..
I'll keep y'all posted ..
~ Princess Jaaye
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I'm glad I'm the head bitch in charge ..
Asshole CREATED an email from Mistress_Sandy (at least I think so) and had 'her' contact me.. telling me what a good slut he is.. that he gave her $1000 and is performing on cam for her.. Here is what the asshole had the audacity to tell me on messenger after I told him I was thru with him:
Jaaye Phoenix: you know what
love_u_212000: i try to get card now but i dont know
Jaaye Phoenix: good night
love_u_212000: thanx
love_u_212000: but i am very angryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
love_u_212000: bye
love_u_212000: i am angry bec u dont trus me
love_u_212000: and as u like
love_u_212000: u go
love_u_212000: u know i am now with new mistress she trus me
love_u_212000: and he start with me seeion i dont need u and i give her all mony bye
Jaaye Phoenix: what?
love_u_212000: i am found new mistress and she trus me and i am now start session with her and i will give her all my mony tommorw u loes me
love_u_212000: bec u dont trus me
Jaaye Phoenix: haha..
Jaaye Phoenix: lol
Jaaye Phoenix: haha
love_u_212000 : u loes me mistress i am have many mony
Jaaye Phoenix: lol
Jaaye Phoenix: lol
love_u_212000: and i will give her tommorw all my mony
love_u_212000: and i give her tommorw my mony
love_u_212000: bye i am go to start the session with my mistress u loes me
Jaaye Phoenix: whats her name?
love_u_212000: no
love_u_212000: but if u need email i give it to u
love_u_212000: but in collarme
love_u_212000: mistress2uslave5
love_u_212000: i am go to start with her now
love_u_212000: u loes me and loes my mony
love_u_212000: u know she open her cam to me nowwwwwwww
love_u_212000: hahahahahhhhhhh
love_u_212000: i dont need u
Jaaye Phoenix: fine
Jaaye Phoenix: so why are u still talkin to me/
love_u_212000: to tell u u loes me
love_u_212000 : byeeeee
Jaaye Phoenix: I'm posting your bullshit on my blog.
love_u_212000: but u dont have any thing about me
love_u_212000: u dont have pic hahahah
love_u_212000: or any thing
love_u_212000: but u dont have any pic when i serve u to prove your telling
love_u_212000: hahahah
love_u_212000: u dont have it
love_u_212000: i trus
love_u_212000: hahahah
love_u_212000 : u dont have it i trusssssss i win u loes
love_u_212000: and u know
love_u_212000: u know i will give my new mistress 1000$ hahahahah
love_u_212000: u loes me
love_u_212000: bye
love_u_212000: ohhhhhhhhhhhh u know i call my father now and he give my the info hahahah
love_u_212000: and i give it to my mistress
love_u_212000: and i give your email to my mistress
**this is where mistress_sandy starts to message me in the next window..*
Jaaye Phoenix : asshole who is mistress_sandy?
Jaaye Phoenix: u stupid asshole
love_u_212000: mistress sandy is my new mistress
love_u_212000: i see your blog what u do on it
love_u_212000: nono
love_u_212000: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
love_u_212000: plzzzzzzzzzz
love_u_212000: delet it plzzzzzzzzzz
love_u_212000: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
love_u_212000: i am sorry
love_u_212000: plzzzzzzz nooooooooooooo
love_u_212000: i am very sorry
Jaaye Phoenix: see asshole, thats what the fuck u get for playing around with a princess.. especially fucking with me!
love_u_212000: ok i am sorry
love_u_212000: plz delet it
love_u_212000: plz
love_u_212000: plz
Jaaye Phoenix: hell fucking no!!
love_u_212000: ok delet irt and i give u mony
love_u_212000: plz
Jaaye Phoenix: BYE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!
love_u_212000: u promise me u dont put it in the site
love_u_212000: plzzzzzzzzzz
love_u_212000: ok
love_u_212000: i give u mony ok
love_u_212000: how okkkk
love_u_212000: how many u need
and today, this asshole comes back.. buzzing me like crazy, so i finally ask him what the fuck he wants.. and here is his answer..:
love_u_212000: hi mistress
love_u_212000: hi
love_u_212000: i get inf of paypal
love_u_212000: u angry from me mistress
love_u_212000: i am came to tell u sorry
love_u_212000: ok mistress i get the mony but plz dont angry
love_u_212000: and tell me i accept your sorry slave
love_u_212000: begaine session with me
now this idiot is begging me to start a session with him? what the fuck? didn't he tell me he didn't need me anymore and he got a new mistress? LOL!!
and THEN he sends me this long ass line of info, name, address, date of birth, social, credit card info .. etc, the whole works, even ebay username and info ..
of course, I don't bother checking cuz i know its more fake bullshit..
so he writes this 'apologiy' letter..
love_u_212000: ok mistress
love_u_212000: i am very sorry to u mistress and i am your dog and i am live under your feet in all time mistress
love_u_212000: and i am very sorry about all thing i do it
love_u_212000: and i am your slave forever
love_u_212000: u like it mistress
love_u_212000: u like it mistress
love_u_212000: ok mistress
love_u_212000: i am very very sorry about all thing i do it to my mistress jaaye and i apology now to her and i please her to accept my apology bec i am slave to her and i am dog to her and i am live under her feet in all time and i am shoes of her
love_u_212000: ok mistress
love_u_212000: its ok
love_u_212000: u her mistress
love_u_212000: u like this letter mistress
He's still in the next window.. trying to get back in my good graces .. and boring the hell outta me..
so he tells me he wants to fuck..
obviously, its not me..
so i tell him to go get a toothbrush ..
he gets it..
and well, see what he does for yourself..

My, you really do take good pics slut .. hope u enjoyed the taste of ur cum ..
~ Princess Jaaye
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Egyptian slaves sure have changed..
I beseech you not only in the name of supreme womanhood, femme fatales and uber dominattices .. this asshole is like a thorn in my bloody side!
Young as he may seem, Mina Amir from EWAS A WASTE OF MY FUCKING TIME! I spent almost 3 days 'trying' to train this slut.. and all he did was give me excuses and excuses and more excuses.. I know I can be a bitch.. but I still try and be understanding.. after he told me all about his foot fetish .. and I sat watching him while his sister was in the background.. now he's trying to tell me all this bullshit about finding a new mistress after i refused to play his game.
He's given me 4 credit card numbers and addresses all with different names, David Knox, Marsha Rogers, Maurice Swann.. and claims that they are his family.. ah well, if that is so, I guess his family needs to have a talk with this motherfucking asshole..
His pics are below and so is his convo from messenger.. I'll post more as i edit this..
Have fun slut!! (right now he's trying to taunt me in the messenger window, LOL!! I won'y block him just yet, just let him prove how much of an idiot he's making himself.. )
Mina Amir
yahoo id: love_u_212000
Address: 14 hassen el bandery sharebe
Cairo, Egypt
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Black beauty..
I know you guys miss me.. awwwwwwwwww...
Too bad tho, I'm really enjoying Florida here.. I don't mind the cold, but I'm a Caribbean gal, I need some lots of sun and sand!!
So lemme welcome guido .. an Italian slave who ran away from his mistress to join my lair.. dunno who she is, but its gotta suck when a slave tells you he wants to leave cuz he found a cuter and more beautiful mistress! I mean, DAMN, I know I'm good, but the last time I stole someone else's man was my sophomore year at college, she just wasn't into his needs, and dammit, he loved to lick my kitty and play with my dildo, speaking of which, I need to give him a call soon, its been awhile since I've seen a Black man enjoy a hard (albeit plastic) black cock.
Anyways, guido, since he finds it so hard to get away, he's only online at work, no computer at home, so he'll be getting his tasks tomorrow..
Now don't be jealous guys, you know what to do.. Send me an email if you wanna join in my naughty fun!
~ Princess Jaaye!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
New applicants..
So this morning, after a long nite of loving from an ex-gf of mine, i signed into Yahoo messenger to find 3 new sluts waiting for me, I was bombarded soon as I signed in..
olaf braskens from the Netherlands.. not necessarily new, but he claimed to be a former moneyslave, who is trying to behave cuz he has a family. I really don't care, and he's made several promises in the past, yet to fulfill any of them.. Although he's separated from his wife, they have a son together, he's still looking for mistresses.. yet refuses to tribute.. this really annoys me, and I need to make it clear to everyone reading this blog, free convos and sessions are over, remember that..
pumpchump229, 47 ye/o slave from Ohio, he read my blog, and wanted to buy me a CD, Alicia Keys! C'mon .. a CD? Thats it? Granted, its my girl, but I already got that from a friend for thanksgiving .. so y'all need to spend at least $20 on ur girl at amazon.. or send me the $20 to paypal if you want, lemme get somen, geez! But anyway, he wants to pray to my pussy, LOL!
guido, an Italian slave.. i dunno where he found me online, but he already has a mistress, who he says he tributes 100euros a month at amazon.. he says he only tributes his mistress and wants to know if she lets him go, can he call me.. LOL! I told him sure, but why would your mistress let you go tho? He says sometime soon.. didn't give me a reason, just kept ogling my pics.. He better sign up for paypal if he wants entrance to my lair.. jeez.
Louis Nyhus, my firefighter slut from NY, I need to break him. He's already one of my most valuable slaves, moneyslave or not.. but he really understands what it means to worship his goddess, and I know he's it locked down. As soon as I get back, I'm taking him to a fetish party, collared and as a prop for the party.. bringing him deeper into my world, so he can't get enough of me.. and my friends..
John the carpenter .. all he's making are promises.. I haven't had a real session with him yet, and my patience is wearing thin..
Ankit.. the mama's boy from NY, I had another slave go by his job to check him out.. Ankit hasn't been online nor has he had a proper session either.. I need to pull my reins in, soon as i get back to NY, he won't be able to sit down for a month!
Gonna get myself into more mischief now sluts.. but keep making my purse very happy..
Later bitches!!
~ Princess Jaaye
Saturday, November 24, 2007
another international slave..
I never spoke to any of my regular sluts for Thanksgiving..
Thats OK, another mistress and I will be making a particular round of events.. those slaves - Ankit, Jeffairy, and John.. watch out. You three have really disappointed me..
Louis, you'll get your wish soon.
Now, let me introduce, Michael .. an Irish slave slut who loves performing for his new mistress.. see how eager he is!
I had fun with him tonight.. with my initiating tasks and activities.. he looks like he'll make a promising slut..
And who knows, I might even add Ireland to my next list of countries to visit. I'm already going to London mid-January..
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
What Are You Thankful For?
Its my first ever Thanksgiving in this country, so you guys had better make it special.
I expect my gifts and tributes waiting for me when I get back online, of course I won't be on so often with the family around, but I'll make an effort, as long as you guys do.
I almost forgot, I'm gonna start posting my own videos for u sluts ..
And you guys can start buying your own personal videos, me humiliating you.. or simply my footsies twirling in front of the camera..
I'm off for a late night of Pictionary with some old friends..
You sluts better behave yourself!
~ Princess Jaaye
My wish is my command..
I was thinking .
Why not make little clips of myself for my slaves?
One of my slaves said he'd pay me $100 for a 5 minute clip of my with my feet on cam .. and I'm like, OK!
Another mistress I know suggested to me that a slave would love to be personally humiliated on cam .. so I can simply perform my cruel, vindictive ploys on them and of course by spoilt in succession ..
If you agree, drop me a line .. we'll talk..
~ Princess Jaaye
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Trouble brewing!!

I feel like I'm being too nice to some of these assholes that contact me. Especially this idiot from NY who is engaged to be married yet calls his wife a 'cracker whore' .. he wants me to fuck with is head and brainwash him from his wifey .. man, hilarious! He claims he bought me a corset to wear, tho I have no proof of this and he insists on seeing my webcam .. listen asshole, get this shit in ur head .. seeing me on cam is a privilege .. its something you have to earn!
And that other idiot who loves CBT and made is dog lick his cock & balls, making him cum .. thats sick bullshit, not something I'd ever tell anyone to do cuz bestiality, no matter how interesting really is not something I get involved in. Can't believe this fucker actually gave a horse a blowjob!
Now this sorry motherfucker who gambled away his allowance - what the fuck!?! Thats some shit I don't need to hear! He promised he'd take me to dinner and bring me jewelry, his parents own a jewelry store in Edison.. what the fuck am I gonna do with a sissy like this but pimp his ass out and use his sorry motherfucking ass!?! But don't sleep on it dude .. I'll put you in your place soon enough, you've already been warned, I aint up to that bullshit no more, and today is Thursday..
So let me make this clear one more fucking time, and I hate repeating myself.. don't contact me on webcam if you don't intend to pay your tributes, stop wasting my fucking time.. I have better shit to do than sit around and talk to your sorry asses. No doubt, I actually like some of you motherfuckers, but don't for once think I'm talking to you cuz you're cool! FUCK NO!
So today is Thursday, deadline for all you sorry asses to do what you need to do.. I'll be checking back in before dinner .. I'm heading to the gym .. and then I want to go shopping, so do what the fuck i told y'all to..
To all you new pussy bitches, read my fucking rules before contacting me .. and don't give me some sob story, not interested ..
~ Princess Jaaye
Sunday, November 11, 2007
sissy videos ..
Talk about loving your vegetables!
I feel so proud .. at least he knows who his mistress is!
He's bout some new toys, lets see how well he works with them soon.
update .. Scottish slave, and a new slave!
Virgo - My Sign
A friend of mine sent me this in an email .. I've put in bold the ones, that of course,
define me best ..
The Perfectionist. Dominant in relationships. Conservative.
Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes
noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to.
Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic.
Virgo personality traits
The Virgo Zodiac Sign is ruled by Mercury.
Your Sun Zodiac sign may not best describe your personality features, your characteristics and general qualities that you bring to life. For many people, their Ascendant or its planetary ruler is the more obvious characteristic, or sometimes the Moon sign. Your Sun sign, rather, says more about the direction you should be moving in, to make the contribution to humanity you were born to make, and thus achieve a degree of personal fulfilment.
Every sign rules a part of the body, Virgo the intestines. This provides a vital clue as to the function of Virgo within the whole of humanity. Think of what the intestines do. They take in energy in the form of food, and break it down into its constituent parts. Then they analyse the components and see how they can be made to be useful. Perhaps some will be combined with others, some will be stored for later use, and some will be eliminated as being useless. Virgo takes in substance and discriminates between what is useful and what isn't, and works with it so that it may be more useful still, and thus be of service to humanity. That is the key to it all - service.
Traits of a Virgo:
- Analyst
- Purist
- Plays safe
- Worrier
- Has mood swings
- Perfectionist
- Easily learns mastery
- Demands respect
- Fair judgement
- Pessimistic
- Frequently depressed
- Destructive at times
| Dislikes...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
1. Real time meetings..
2. Tributes..
3. Sessions ..
4. Rules..
5. Pictures..
6. Wishlists ..
7. Services Offered..
1. Nope, I'm not meeting anyone realtime. I met a slave the other day who was begging me for a session. I had fun, no doubt, but after leaving, he followed me on the train home, showing up at my door, asking for me.. I had to call the cops. So until I feel comfortable once more, don't give a fuck who you are, I'm NOT MEETING ANYONE.
2. TRIBUTES. Yes, I fucking expect my tributes, and on time. So if you plan on contacting me in the next 5, 25 or 60 minutes, you better have ur paypal account ready or amazon gift certificates, don't waste my fucking time. I do have a timer, and I keep a record of all my slaves and sluts and all sessions on hand; the IRS got nothing on me. LOL!
- Initial contact - $40
- First half-hour - $40
- 1 hours - $97
- 2 hours - $157
- Anything beyond 3 hours is billed at $67 per hour.
3. SESSIONS. I have sessions online. You can contact me by email or IM to schedule an appointment. We go by my rules, and my satisfaction only. I'm not here to care or stroke anyone's ego. I'll probably consider roleplaying IF and ONLY IF your pocket can afford me. And don't ADD me to messenger, just send an IM. DON'T IM me telling me to turn on cam and strip for you. I'm not a whore, and all thats gonna do is get you blacklisted and blocked. Have all your toys on hand, or you buy whatever toys I order you to.
4. RULES. my rules stand AS IS. They're never gonna change, so don't think I'll get kind on your sorry asses.
5. PICTURES. I'm glad to give my slaves and subs pictures, no problem. As long as you are a tributing member of my Lair, consider yourself lucky enough, I will provide you with my pics to drool over..
6. WISHLISTS. I have several wishlists, I have only posted one online, the others are being modified currently. If you want to buy me something from my wishlist, send me an email so I can send you the mailing address. Feel free to comment on what you want to buy on the blog, and I'll add my comments as well.
- Consensual Blackmail
- Sissification
- Humiliation
- Degradation
- Financial Slavery / Money Slavery / Financial Domination
- Cock & Ball Torture
Any other questions, feel free to send me an email.
~ Princess Jaaye
Internationally requested mistress ..
OK, this young slave from Scotland just sent me a video - he's fucking himself with a carrot!! To prove he's worthy of my attention .. I'm like damn!! He's really feelin' his Princess!! I'll upload that later ..
But he's a young slave, bisexual, promising .. and seems to have an attraction for carrots. He's quite eager and looks like he'll be around quite often, might have a future here on my blog..
man .. i have lots more pictures and videos of this little slut .. in time..
Thursday, November 8, 2007
More slaves for a princess ..

He's got a weird name, I can barely pronounce it .. but help me welcome my newest slut .. Ankit Kakkad ..
and he's gained the Bitch Award .. keep it up slut!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Distance Training & Online Sessions with the Princess..
Online sessions are available on Yahoo Messenger, so I suggest you download if you are unable to serve Me in person, especially since the ASSHOLE who followed me home the last time I met with a slave.. then this your chance to serve and please Me online. It is a good way to just get to know me, to see what sessions would be like or if u simply are too much of a PUSSY to handle Me in person ..
My Tribute will be given to Me prior to our session commencing, and within 5 minutes of making contact with Me. I am happy to put on My webcam and microphone during the session, but there will be NO nudity on My part. If you suggest this, you will immediately be blocked. If you are disrespectful, all contact will cease immediately. Safe words are encouraged.
1. I use Yahoo Messenger for chat; my username is mizz_black_kissez. At first contact, make sure there is either a picture on your profile, or take a picture with my name on a card, as your display photograph at all times. It is essential to have a webcam, or a camera. I expect my tributes within 5 minutes of meeting, so if you don't intend on paying, don't bother contacting me!! My time is precious, why the hell am I waisting in on you?
2. There will be no nudity on My part. You will either be fully nude or however I have ordered you to be dressed. Any insistence on my nudity will be immediate cause for dismissal.
3. You'll bring whatever toys or objects I have determined for my enjoyment ..
4. Must be into financial domination or tributes .. My time is money, make sure you can afford Me.
5. Tributes are expected at all times and on a regular basis. Any other arrangements will be decided by Me..
6. Honesty is the best policy so make the effort to exercise this on a constant basis.
7. You will address Me as "Princess" or "Princes Jaaye" at all times.
8. All demands and chores will be carried out in a timely manner with pictures as proof.
French subbie
so i try and explain the rules.
Since we're 6 hours apart .. this fellow comes online today, gives me his name and begs me to not put it on my site.. is he for real? I tell him sign up with paypal and get back to me.. he starts making excuses about having to go to a restaurant "for eat" and yadda yadda more bullshit .. so here's his info..
Alex Ducrest,
France ..
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Black Supreme Princess .. and my wish lists..
Gee, I didn't know I was supposed to broadcast myself to please the masses, but if thats what they want .. lemme help them out .. (just click on the pic to see it larger idiots..)
As long as my sluts treat me right, I make it my point to reward them, get them coming back for more .. and there's lots more where that came from, OK bitches ..
I also have several wishlists .. and feel free to send me tribute as well:
so little bitches .. feel free to spoil me ..

and the more i'm spoilt, the better i am to my little slaves and subs c'mon .. get to clicking!!
Black Mistress caricatures ..

Wouldn't you agree?
I like this idea of being a strong Black woman in charge .. I like having those little sub sissy white boys approach me .. begging me to tan their little sissy behinds .. especially those two with the tiny cocks!
I know for damn sure they'd never fuck me.. I want me a strong Black brotha, with a cock who will make me scream in pleasure .. All you little white pussy bitches, y'all can watch me and learn how a real man fucks a princess .. then u can eat his cum from my pussy and clean his dick while you're at it..

Imagine me dressed in the naughty teacher outfit .. beating your little behind..
A slave from sent me these pics.. Do you think it represents me fully? LOL!!
I have a wishlist as well, feel free to spend ur money sluts .. buy me somen nice..

This is where you idiots belong, at my feet .. small, insignificant piece of shit y'all are ..

baby dicklette..
So of course, I needed proof, and guess what? HE WAS SO FUCKING RIGHT! His cock is about the size of my thumb, LOL! WAY SMALLER than Baby Dick aka Fuc Toy on yahoo messenger..
Dicklette is from Finland, he's 31 and he's been with one girl.. claims he is willing to do anything to please the ladies, since the he he 'put his dick into' couldn't feel anything, but he did use his tongue .. I'm thinking of taking him into my lair as well, I mean, two tiny cocks! what more could a Princess want!?!
I can sure think of some creative training for them .. LOL!